Saturday, June 29, 2013

If I could tell the world one thing....

It would be, we're all ok.

The title of this blog and first line of the subject are lyrics of a song by Jewel.  I don't know why, but I connect with them.  Think on that one statement.

We're.  All.  Ok.
There's a sense of oneness in that.  That we don't have to strive for something else that isn't us.  What if we said "fuck society."  What would the resulting action be?
It would mean that a teenaged kid wouldn't listen to the church anymore about his being gay was a sin, when in reality, that book they're reading, says we all are.
It would mean that a woman, possibly you, wouldn't compare herself with other women based on appearance.
In fact, none of us would compare ourselves at all.  Seriously.  What matters at the end of the day?  A female's dress size?  My #sixpack?

No.  What matters comes in the form of multiple different things.  Kindness.  Honesty.  Love.  Compassion.  Happiness.

And what sucks about all of those is that society tells us daily that what matters is appearance, money, appearance and more money.  But let's get back to it.  And say however you want to say it.  My sailor mouth will stress the meaning for us all.  Fuck.  Society.  I'm good enough.  I'm smart enough.  And gosh darn it, people like me.  Yep, classic SNL got it right 20 years ago and we're all still struggling with it.  I don't look for "vanity" when I'm looking for friends.  But I treasure those that honor friendship; that glorify the regular; and those that at the end of the day, when I'm having a shitty day, i can turn to and say "Pick me up."

We all should.  Those are the friends that are with us for life.  And those are the friends that we NEVER need to explain actions.  It comes down to the game Red Rover.  Would you rather stand by someone who you don't know and may give you up....

Or stand next to the one that knows you and isn't going to let go, regardless of how hard your friendship is hit?

"I won't be made useless.  Won't be idle with despair......"

"....In the end, only kindness matters......."

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