In the yoga classes I teach, I like to talk about various poses and what they may communicate, both in the practice and in life. Each time I've taught dolphin pose to the classes, I come back with the same guiding principle: dolphins have fun. A lot of fun. For them, work is play and play is work.
As I was walking Baxter tonight, that mantra came to my mind. And for whatever reason, the connection to dolphins was made. I am a dolphin. Not literally in having a blow hole and swimming daily but in the small snippet - I enjoy my job. Wait, I FREAKING enjoy my job.
Teaching yoga classes is quite possibly some of the most fun I've ever had. Each class is new and different and full of energy. Each class I get to share my love for yoga with a group of students - some just starting out on their yogic journey, others experienced beyond the years I have - but they all develop a love and respect for their mat. Sure, I may make a complete fool of myself each class because of my enthusiasm but the underlying message back from each person in each class is this - they do not want me to fail. They have a connection to my success. That success is their mat.
Every class I teach, I set my own intention - to communicate how much I love/respect yoga first and foremost and secondly, if the connection is made, to create that same love/respect in my students.
How many people get the real opportunity to quit their day jobs and then chase something. When that happened to me a year ago, the only thing I knew for certain was that "X" was prompting me strongly, with visible signs, that it was time for me to move on. I did. I didn't know what my next step would be. I feel fortunate to have found passion, drive, motivation and fun in my job. I'm managing people again, which anyone I've ever managed would say is something I love. But more importantly, I'm training people again. I REALLY REALLY love that aspect. To take someone's fear of dolphin and then remind them to find joy in it. Because it's there. Honest. You just have to make it appear.
#workisplay #playiswork
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